Company:  PEI Parkinson Association


Looking For
Expressions of Interest | Board Members

Employment Type

Date Posted
February 27, 2024


Submission Deadline
April 30, 2024

Prince Edward Island

The PEI Parkinson Association (PEIPA) is seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals who wish to serve on their Board of Directors. Parkinson’s is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease.

PEIPA incorporated in May 2023 to better serve the needs of people living with Parkinson’s, their families, and caregivers. Their present membership is 80+ and is growing monthly. They currently support a movement/dance class, a voice therapy class as well as monthly support group meetings. 

At the moment, their services are centered in Charlottetown. Their goal, however, is to provide more programs and extend our services to other parts of PEI.

To achieve this, PEIPA needs committed and energetic people to join their team. Desired skills for director recruitment would include financial acumen, fundraising skills/experience, computer/ technical skills, and communication/social media skills. Board/governance experience would be an asset. 

To learn more about the Association visit their Facebook page at 

The Expressions of Interest form can be found here:

Expressions of Interest will be accepted until April 30, 2024, ahead of the PEIPA AGM on May 16, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact The PEI Parkinson Association at [email protected] or call Florence Larkin, Board Chair, at 902-213-1207.